Атомно-эмиссионная спектрометрия с микроволновой плазмой (АЭС-МП)

REATORG is the official dealer of Agilent Technologies.
  • Производитель
    • Agilent Technologies
Advanced Filter

Atomic-emission spectroscopy (AES) uses quantitative measurement of the optical emission from excited atoms to determine analyte concentration. Analyte atoms in solution are aspirated into the excitation region where they are desolvated, vaporized and atomized by a flame, discharge, or plasma. These high-temperature atomization sources provide sufficient energy to promote the atoms into high energy levels. The atoms decay back to lower levels by emitting light.

The MP-AES relies on using nitrogen as the plasma gas, which may provide a more economical alternative to traditional ICP-AES for routine analysis.

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